Love travel?  Preserve your memories forever

Like most of Malta’s population, I am a travel fiend.
Travelling to new destinations and exploring different cultures gives me life.  As most of you can relate, I gladly spend a good chunk of my free time researching places to visit, and generously adding more to my already-ambitious bucket list.

Time flies when you’re having fun, and this rings especially true for when I am on holiday.  My holiday starts off slow as I revel in my surroundings and take in the novelty of it all.  The days roll on, and before I know it, it’s time to say goodbye.

What’s left of a trip once you are back home?  Souvenirs are a sweet reminder of places we’ve been.  The memories are even sweeter.  Memories fade, but pictures and video clips will last a lifetime.  Nothing else will bring back the sound of laughter or the ecstatic feeling when you laid your eyes on an unbelievably gorgeous landscape like a photo or video will do.

Taking photos or videos – with what?

Your device of choice should undoubtedly be reliable and be able to produce good quality photographs and videos with a few clicks.

Whilst a mobile phone might be the most convenient, it is not the wisest gadget to choose.  There are many downsides, including:

  • Reliability: is it as reliable as you think? Battery life runs out rather quickly. Having a spare battery as a backup is not always an option.
  • Storage: do you have enough storage space to snap away to your heart’s desires?
  • Quality: your photos might look good on your phone’s screen. Are you sure the level of quality is sufficient for larger prints?
  • Ergonomics: phones are not exactly ideal for holding very steadily or for longer periods of time.
  • Limitation of features: certain capabilities such as zoom, macro, low-light and fast-paced photography are lacking. Forget about shooting auroras if you’re near the North or South Pole, or taking crystal clear images of a football match.

Your qualms, solved

In today’s day and age, cameras have evolved to the point that most of the photography-related features that one finds in a mobile phone are also found in cameras.  Here are the top concerns and the ways technology has beat them.

  • Size and quality
    Yes!  It is possible to have a pocket sized compact which boasts professional quality.  These compact cameras also shoot in RAW and have an auto ND filter installed.
  • Selfie mode
    Flip screens may be flipped over 180 degrees.  Shoot self-portraits whilst you look at what your lens is seeing.  Perfect for travel selfies – no need to stop strangers at every corner to ask for a photo!
  • Social media sharing
    WiFi and/or Bluetooth are present in most models and are a great addition to your camera!  Share your photos directly to social media, share via-email and transfer images wirelessly to your PC or laptop.  Want to hear something else that’s cool?  You can use your smartphone as a remote, instead of using the camera’s self-timer feature and running off to find your position!
  • Ease of use
    Your camera might have lots of buttons, but don’t despair – it is very intuitive!
    Don’t want to mess up your shot? Opt for the ‘automatic’ function.  This is actually called ‘smart auto’, and it can detect more than 50 different scenarios and change the settings accordingly.

Meet Canon’s G series – a range of expert compact cameras.

Love Travel - Canon PowerShot G Series

These advanced compacts are the perfect, portable alternative or complement to a DSLR, delivering exceptional performance and limitless creativity.

The cameras’ sensors are larger than the traditional compact’s size – resulting in top-notch quality in even the lowest of low lights.

The Canon G series range of cameras are the ultimate in image quality with DSLR-level control that will satisfy even the most demanding photographers, and happy snappers alike.

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