The Power of a Portrait to Capture a Story and Ignite Change

Therese Debono, a photographer, has recently won the ‘People’ category in the Julia Margaret Camera Awards for Women Photographers with her portrait of Emma, a former student and rape survivor. The portrait of Emma, who is set to marry in May, was taken with a Canon R6 and is now shortlisted for the Hellerau Portrait
Scan2x statement on Log4J vulnerability

Part 2 – Canon EOS R review – Hand-on insights by Inigo Taylor

Canon EOS R review – Hands-on insights by local photographer Inigo Taylor

Vision From Europe – A photographic tribute to Matera Basilica 2019 by students and teachers from 28 countries.

MCAST student to participate in Matera Residency Project

Avantech Limited awarded Canon’s Platinum Partner status

We are proud to have been awarded Platinum Partner status by Canon in recognition of our expertise in document solutions and software. Platinum Partner status is reserved for partners who demonstrate sustained innovation, advanced product skills and business growth year on year. Managing Director Nick Camilleri says, “Such high level competency recognition from global technology
Press release – Canon includes Scan2x in their product portfolio