Author Archives: James
The Advantages of a Managed Print Environment

Whether you run your own business or work within a company; whether the business is small or large; at some point you have definitely dealt with some kind of paper handling. Be it printing, copying, scanning or filing; paper handling in an office is ever-present. With this in mind, one may easily conclude that paper
Scan to Email or Scan to Folder?

You’re in front of your multi-functional copier and you need to send a document to an individual or a group. You must decide whether you want to scan it to an email account or scan it to a folder. Which option is the best? What are the advantages and disadvantage of each scanning type available?
Get the best ROI out of your printing equipment.

One of the fundamental rules of running a business is cost control; keeping your costs to a minimum is key; thankfully, nowadays, there are a lot of tools to help you achieve this. One such tool is, without a doubt, the multi-functional printer. Multi-functional printers have evolved and, besides helping businesses be more efficient and